
Reiki is a beautiful healing energy; it is an ancient technique which has its origins in Japan.  In Japanese, the word Reiki translates as ‘Universal Life Energy’.   It is a simple and natural technique which promotes healing on a holistic level, treating body, mind and soul. 

 A Reiki treatment has many benefits.  Many people try Reiki for the first time because they are physically unwell, but it can be a huge benefit as a preventative treatment.  A treatment bathes you in its beautiful energy, reducing your stress levels, promoting healing and giving you a profound sense of relaxation and a sense of well-being.   

  • Treatments last for 50-60 minutes, although the first session will last a bit longer as there is a consultation before the treatment .


    1 treatment - £35

    3 treatments - £90, if paid in advance

  • These are shorter treatments of 25 minutes, which can focus on a specific area or can be used for a quick relaxation session.

    Ideal if you want to try reiki for the first time, if you want to 'fit in' a session or if the cost of a full treatment isn't in your budget.



  • One of the wonders of reiki, is that it can be given and received from a distance - or what we now call 'remotely'. These treatments are undertaken via Zoom and can be undertaken for full or taster treatments.

How does Reiki work?

Reiki is channeled to the client, flowing into the physical and energetic bodies, raising our energy vibration and breaking up energy stagnations, helping the body and mind to release toxins and negative energy, and letting positive, vibrant, healing energy flow.  Treatments are administered by ‘laying on hands’; this may be directly on the body or just above it.  Clients remain clothed and are consulted as to the level of ‘hands on’ they are comfortable with.   Reiki treatments can also be experienced through distance Healing, which means you don’t even have to leave the comfort of your own home if you don’t want to. 

 What happens in a Reiki Treatment?

Your first treatment will stat with a consultation, where we will discuss any problems or issues you have, what you are hoping to achieve from the session and to talk through any questions you have.  After the consultation, you will lay on a treatment bed or chair, whilst remaining fully clothed.  I encourage clients to close their eyes, listen to the music playing in the room, and to completely relax.  Through the session I will place my hands on, or just above, the body in a series of positions.  I tend to let my intuition guide me as to where I work and for how long. 

During the treatment, you may experience changes in temperature and some tingling; some people see colours or lights and some people can feel quite emotional.  All of these are perfectly normal. 

Treatments will typically last between 50-60 minutes. At the end of the treatment we’ll have another chat to see how felt, and to let me feedback to you. 

 Are there any side-effects after a treatment?

As with any treatment, there is the potential for side effects, but these will usually pass quickly, particularly if you drink plenty of water and allow yourself time to rest and relax. 

 Some typical symptoms include;

  • Headaches  / stomach aches – the reiki treatment has stimulated the breakdown and release of toxins in the body.  Drinking plenty of water and rest will help these symptoms pass.

  • Feeling tired – you are clearing toxins and experiencing healing on a number of levels.  That can be exhausting, so listen to what your body is telling you and take time to relax and rest. 

  • Feeling emotional – reiki works in the emotional and mental bodies and it’s not uncommon to feel teary and emotional after a session.   Be kind to yourself; this is your body telling you that it Is healing.