Healing Circles

The Ashoka Healing Circle is a space that promotes well-being and empowers you to develop your own healing abilities.

The Circles are meditation led, and include energy work and reiki healing. Run monthly for 10 months a year, each session has it’s own theme which includes learning energy healing techniques and tools that you can use in your own daily life and practices. The meditation work includes guided visualisations and introductions to other meditation techniques, such as loving-kindness, contemplation and mantra work. The meditations will enable you to develop insights into your own soul journey, to cultivate self-compassion and build an awareness of the healing light you already hold within. All circles end with a Reiki Healing.

You do not need any previous experience of meditation or of working with energy. The Circles are appropriate for anyone to attend*; all you need is the intention to embrace your healing potential!

The Circles run between 60- 90 minutes and cost £10**.

* 16-18 year old’s can attend, but must be accompanied by a parent or legal guardian.

**Discounts can be offered to anyone who wants to pay in advance.

  • The Healing Circles in Alyth will run on the 3rd Wednesday of each month.

    Starting on the 18th September 2024 - start time 7pm.

    Venue: Alyth Guide Hut, New Alyth Road